NSN Part Number 557564-1 from Amp Inc - Submit a Quote Now

Part Number: 557564-1
Alternate P/N: 5575641
Manufacturer: Amp Inc

You have reached the RFQ page for part number 557564-1, a Amp Inc item we stock that is listed This NSN part is available for purchase at any time, and to receive customized pricing options and more, we ask that you submit the form below at your earliest convenience. By offering us important information like your target price, expected shipping time frame, and more, our staff can respond with a tailored solution for part number 557564-1 that caters to your unique needs and restrictions alike. With team members always available for customer needs, you can expect a response to your submission within 15 minutes of us reviewing it.

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  • This website is intended for quotations based on part numbers only. Please DO NOT submit drawings, technical data, or other specifications through this portal.

Disclaimer: This is a quotation for the goods listed above. This quotation is meant as an estimate and does not reflect a final bill or invoice. All quotations are subject to change until acceptance by ASAP Semiconductor of a binding Purchase Order, and quotations may be withdrawn or revised at the sole discretion of ASAP Semiconductor. This quotation is subject to the ASAP Semiconductor Terms & Conditions available at . All United States Government and Department of Defense bids are quoted as CAGE code 6RE77 from ASAP Semiconductor’s Anaheim, California facility. Any quotation from ASAP Semiconductor without 6RE77 is void.


Whether you are searching for aerospace parts, military and defense parts, or other various items, you can always trust in the quality of our offerings. Everything we stock can be traced back to a reputable manufacturer like Amp Inc, and inventory items are subjected to a variety of tests, inspections, and verifications as necessary to uphold our fit, form, and function guarantee. Coupled with other similar practices, we operate with AS9120B, ISO 9001:2015, and FAA AC 00-56B accreditation. Get started on procurement for part number 557564-1 and other offerings today, and see why so many customers steadily choose us as their purchasing partner.

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